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Availability date: 12/05/2024
Philippines' quarantine period started in March 2020 and lasted for several months after, making it one of the longest lockdowns globally. During this time, only essential retailers such as grocery retailers and drugstores/parapharmacies for example were allowed to remain open, although with shortened operating hours. The government also implemented a price freeze during the lockdown, which also affected retailers. As the months went by, the country began to ease its lockdown levels, and some bu...
Euromonitor International's Retailing in Philippines report offers insight into key trends and developments driving the industry. The report examines all retail channels to provide sector insight. Channels include hypermarkets, supermarkets, discounters, convenience stores, mixed retailers, health and beauty retailers, clothing and footwear retailers, furniture and furnishing stores, DIY and hardware stores, durable goods retailers, leisure and personal goods retailers. There are profiles of leading retailers, with analysis of their performance and the challenges they face. There is also analysis of non-store retailing: vending; homeshopping; internet retailing; direct selling, as available.
Product coverage: Non-Store Retailing, Store-based Retailing.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
COVID-19 impact on retailing
COVID-19 country impact
Easily accessible community stores gain relevance in 2020
Digitalisation leads to the rise of MSMEs in 2020
What next for retailing?
Informal retailing
Opening hours
Summary 1 Standard Opening Hours by Channel Type 2019Physical retail landscape
Cash and carry
Back to School
Payments and delivery
Emerging business models
Table 1 Sales in Retailing by Store-based vs Non-Store: Value 2015-2020 Table 2 Sales in Retailing by Store-based vs Non-Store: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 3 Sales in Store-based Retailing by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 4 Sales in Store-based Retailing by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 5 Store-based Retailing Outlets by Channel: Units 2015-2020 Table 6 Store-based Retailing Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2015-2020 Table 7 Sales in Non-Store Retailing by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 8 Sales in Non-Store Retailing by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 9 Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 10 Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 11 Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 12 Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 13 Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2015-2020 Table 14 Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2015-2020 Table 15 Non-Grocery Specialists: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 16 Non-Grocery Specialists: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 17 Sales in Non-Grocery Specialists by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 18 Sales in Non-Grocery Specialists by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 19 Non-Grocery Specialists Outlets by Channel: Units 2015-2020 Table 20 Non-Grocery Specialists Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2015-2020 Table 21 Mixed Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 22 Mixed Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 23 Sales in Mixed Retailers by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 24 Sales in Mixed Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 25 Mixed Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2015-2020 Table 26 Mixed Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2015-2020 Table 27 Retailing GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 28 Retailing GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 29 Store-based Retailing GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 30 Store-based Retailing GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 31 Store-based Retailing LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 32 Non-Store Retailing GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 33 Non-Store Retailing GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 34 Grocery Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 35 Grocery Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 36 Grocery Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 37 Grocery Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 38 Non-Grocery Specialists GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 39 Non-Grocery Specialists GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 40 Non-Grocery Specialists LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 41 Non-Grocery Specialists LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 42 Mixed Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 43 Mixed Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 44 Mixed Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 45 Mixed Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 46 Forecast Sales in Retailing by Store-based vs Non-Store: Value 2020-2025 Table 47 Forecast Sales in Retailing by Store-based vs Non-Store: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 48 Forecast Sales in Store-based Retailing by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 49 Forecast Sales in Store-based Retailing by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 50 Forecast Store-based Retailing Outlets by Channel: Units 2020-2025 Table 51 Forecast Store-Based Retailing Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2020-2025 Table 52 Forecast Sales in Non-Store Retailing by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 53 Forecast Sales in Non-Store Retailing by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 54 Grocery Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 55 Grocery Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025 Table 56 Forecast Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 57 Forecast Sales in Grocery Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 58 Forecast Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2020-2025 Table 59 Forecast Grocery Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2020-2025 Table 60 Non-Grocery Specialists Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 61 Non-Grocery Specialists Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025 Table 62 Forecast Sales in Non-Grocery Specialists by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 63 Forecast Sales in Non-Grocery Specialists by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 64 Forecast Non-Grocery Specialists Outlets by Channel: Units 2020-2025 Table 65 Forecast Non-Grocery Specialists Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2020-2025 Table 66 Mixed Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 67 Mixed Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025 Table 68 Forecast Sales in Mixed Retailers by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 69 Forecast Sales in Mixed Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025 Table 70 Forecast Mixed Retailers Outlets by Channel: Units 2020-2025 Table 71 Forecast Mixed Retailers Outlets by Channel: % Unit Growth 2020-2025DISCLAIMER
Summary 2 Research SourcesKEY DATA FINDINGS
Operating limitations due to the pandemic moderate sales in 2020
Various strategies used to adapt to the pandemic
7-Eleven retains its lead but Alfamart posts a better performance
Swift recovery expected in the forecast period
Shifts in product assortments may be seen
Digital payments and delivery services will remain important
Table 72 Convenience Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 73 Convenience Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 74 Convenience Stores GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 75 Convenience Stores GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 76 Convenience Stores LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 77 Convenience Stores LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 78 Convenience Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 79 Convenience Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Proximity to residential areas benefits discounters in 2020
Puregold Extra remains the leader
Recovery will be driven by Puregold Extra's expansion in the forecast period
Online presence will become important
Table 80 Discounters: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 81 Discounters: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 82 Discounters GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 83 Discounters GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 84 Discounters LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 85 Discounters LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 86 Discounters Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 87 Discounters Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Hypermarkets experience a boom in demand under lockdown restrictions in 2020
Some hypermarkets focus on helping local food producers
Puregold continues leading in 2020
Slightly slower growth expected in the forecast period as stockpiling behaviour dwindles
Services that improve convenience will continue expanding
Online shopping will continue growing
Table 88 Hypermarkets: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 89 Hypermarkets: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 90 Hypermarkets GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 91 Hypermarkets GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 92 Hypermarkets LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 93 Hypermarkets LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 94 Hypermarkets Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 95 Hypermarkets Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Consumer stockpiling at the onset of lockdown provides a boost to sales in 2020
Shopper programs become popular in 2020
Supermarkets partnering with third party players expand their reach
Demand is set to normalise in the forecast period
E-commerce will only strengthen
The dark grocery store concept may take off
Table 96 Supermarkets: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 97 Supermarkets: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 98 Supermarkets GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 99 Supermarkets GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 100 Supermarkets LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 101 Supermarkets LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 102 Supermarkets Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 103 Supermarkets Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Traditional retailers struggle to adapt to the pandemic in 2020
Consumers prefer modern retailers during lockdown
Expanding via e-commerce proves to be a challenge for traditional retailers
Appeal of modern retails will constrain the recovery of traditional retailers in the forecast period
Extending geographic reach of modern retailers will pose a growing threat
Traditional retailers will retain a significant presence in smaller communities
Table 104 Traditional Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 105 Traditional Grocery Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 106 Traditional Grocery Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 107 Traditional Grocery Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 108 Traditional Grocery Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 109 Traditional Grocery Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 110 Traditional Grocery Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 111 Traditional Grocery Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Non-essential nature of apparel and footwear prohibits sales in 2020
Brands adopt different strategies to survive
Focus is shifted to e-commerce
Significant adaptions will be required in stores to promote a recovery in the forecast period
Pent-up demand may boost sales
E-commerce will lead the way
Table 112 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 113 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 114 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 115 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 116 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 117 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 118 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 119 Apparel And Footwear Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Supply and logistics issues heavily restrict sales in 2020
Demand remained high despite the pandemic
Financing options became popular again due to the pandemic
Recovery will be underway in 2021
Expansion plans may slow over the forecast period
E-commerce presence will become even more important
Table 120 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 121 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 122 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 123 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 124 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 125 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 126 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 127 Electronics and Appliance Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Services offered in drugstores/parapharmacies boost growth in 2020
Beauty specialists see heavily restricted demand
Mercury Drug continued dominating
Community based stores will drive the recovery in the forecast period
Competition will normalise growth of drugstores/parapharmacies
Beauty retailers will shift towards e-commerce
Table 128 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 129 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 130 Sales in Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 131 Sales in Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 132 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 133 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 134 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 135 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 136 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 137 Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025 Table 138 Forecast Sales in Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 139 Forecast Sales in Health and Beauty Specialist Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
First lockdown in 2020 severely limits sales
Declining sales moderated by increased interest in second half of 2020
Players being building an online presence
Recovery in the forecast period will be driven by home renovations
Expansion will focus on smaller community stores
Urban gardening trend may take off
Table 140 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 141 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 142 Sales in Home and Garden Specialist Retailers by Channel: Value 2015-2020 Table 143 Sales in Home and Garden Specialist Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 144 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 145 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 146 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 147 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 148 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 149 Home and Garden Specialist Retailers Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025 Table 150 Forecast Sales in Home and Garden Specialist Retailers by Channel: Value 2020-2025 Table 151 Forecast Sales in Home and Garden Specialist Retailers by Channel: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Lockdown restrictions significantly dwindle sales in 2020
E-commerce not capable of preventing a decline
SM Department Store retains its lead by adapting to consumers' needs
Sluggish recovery expected in the forecast period
Expansion plans likely to be delayed
Technological advances necessary to perfect omnichannel experience
Table 152 Department Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 153 Department Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 154 Department Stores GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 155 Department Stores GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 156 Department Stores LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 157 Department Stores LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 158 Department Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 159 Department Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Non-essential categorisation restricts sales in 2020
Key base of younger consumers shows minimal interest
Products are widely available in other retailers hurting sales
Recovery will be slow in the forecast period
Expansion boom will be put off
More focus expected on e-commerce
Table 160 Variety Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 161 Variety Stores: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 162 Variety Stores GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 163 Variety Stores GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 164 Variety Stores LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 165 Variety Stores LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 166 Variety Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 167 Variety Stores Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Demand booms for bulk items under lockdown restrictions in 2020
E-commerce options made available
S&R Membership Shopping retains its dominant position
Rising consumer interest in warehouse clubs will support performance in the forecast period
Wide product offer will continue attracting consumers
E-commerce will still be relevant
Table 168 Warehouse Clubs: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2015-2020 Table 169 Warehouse Clubs: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2015-2020 Table 170 Warehouse Clubs GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 171 Warehouse Clubs GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 172 Warehouse Clubs LBN Brand Shares: Outlets 2017-2020 Table 173 Warehouse Clubs LBN Brand Shares: Selling Space 2017-2020 Table 174 Warehouse Clubs Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space 2020-2025 Table 175 Warehouse Clubs Forecasts: Value Sales, Outlets and Selling Space: % Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Performance varies based on product offer in 2020
Decline will be softened due to independence from store-based model
Focus on digital intensifies
Increasing consumer interest in becoming a sales agent will support recovery in the forecast period
Local culture will support sales
Online platforms will remain crucial
Table 176 Direct Selling by Category: Value 2015-2020 Table 177 Direct Selling by Category: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 178 Direct Selling GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 179 Direct Selling GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 180 Direct Selling Forecasts by Category: Value 2020-2025 Table 181 Direct Selling Forecasts by Category: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Decline of homeshopping is worsened by the pandemic in 2020
O Shopping plans to shutdown
Engagement with digital channels becomes crucial
Bleak outlook for the forecast period
Competition from e-commerce players will constrain the recovery
Players expected to turn towards social media
Table 182 Homeshopping by Category: Value 2015-2020 Table 183 Homeshopping by Category: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 184 Homeshopping GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 185 Homeshopping GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 186 Homeshopping Forecasts by Category: Value 2020-2025 Table 187 Homeshopping Forecasts by Category: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Table 188 Vending by Category: Value 2015-2020 Table 189 Vending by Category: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 190 Vending Forecasts by Category: Value 2020-2025 Table 191 Vending Forecasts by Category: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
E-commerce booms under strict lockdown in 2020
Preference for traditional shopping guides retailers to launch personal shopper programs
Most players just beginning to build an online presence in 2020
Plenty of room for further growth in the forecast period
Product preferences for e-commerce may shift
Additional taxation may be enforced in the forecast period
Table 192 E-Commerce by Channel and Category: Value 2015-2020 Table 193 E-Commerce by Channel and Category: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 194 E-Commerce GBO Company Shares: % Value 2016-2020 Table 195 E-Commerce GBN Brand Shares: % Value 2017-2020 Table 196 Forecast E-Commerce by Channel and Category: Value 2020-2025 Table 197 Forecast E-Commerce by Channel and Category: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Mobile technology becomes prominent under lockdown in 2020
Payments through mobile phones are made easy
Retailers focus on mobile e-commerce with exclusive offers
Rapid expansion of mobile e-commerce will continue in the forecast period
Improvements in infrastructure will support mobile e-commerce development
5G roll out will support development of mobile e-commerce
Table 198 Mobile E-Commerce: Value 2015-2020 Table 199 Mobile E-Commerce: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 200 Mobile E-Commerce Forecasts: Value 2020-2025 Table 201 Mobile E-Commerce Forecasts: % Value Growth 2020-2025KEY DATA FINDINGS
Food and drink e-commerce explodes during lockdown in 2020
Sales remained strong even after lockdown was eased
Surging demand welcomes the launch of new players
Strong performance expected in the forecast period
Brands and manufacturers will focus on strengthening their presence in food and drink e-commerce
Shopee and Lazada likely to continue leading the way
Table 202 Food and Drink E-Commerce: Value 2015-2020 Table 203 Food and Drink E-Commerce: % Value Growth 2015-2020 Table 204 Food and Drink E-Commerce Forecasts: Value 2020-2025 Table 205 Food and Drink E-Commerce Forecasts: % Value Growth 2020-2025